We offer high quality inclusive education for over 100 children each year, through exciting learning opportunities for young children with highly qualified, experienced and caring staff - teachers, early years educators and teaching assistants. Children who are 2, 3 and 4 years old play together across the setting. This ensures that there are role models for our youngest and newest children. We have a separate space for our 20 younger 2 year olds, in Yellow Room.
Each child is allocated a Key Person, one of our highly skilled early years educators or teachers. This person will build a close relationship with you and your child, and support them throughout their time at Maytree. They will get to know your child very well, and ensure that the next steps in your child's development are planned for throughout the setting.
Maytree is an open-plan, nursery school; there are three inside areas and a garden with a separate Forest School and pond area. Yellow Room has it's own separate garden for the younger 2 year olds. Additional support is provided for children who are learning English in addition to another language. Children who have special educational needs and disabilities are welcomed and very well supported.
What’s different about nursery schools?
There are 5 local authority nursery schools in Lambeth and approximately 40 in London. As in primary schools, nursery schools are led by qualified headteachers and teachers working with other qualified early years’ educators and teaching assistants. We are specialists in early education and development for children from birth to 5 years old, working in collaboration with parents and other professionals.
To ensure the best opportunities for all children we work very closely with parents, other professionals and organisations who support families with young children, for example health visitors, speech and language therapists, training organisations and charities such as Clapham Relief Fund and Foodbank.