As a local authority nursery school we offer free education places for children who are 3 and 4 years old. You can also pay to extend your child’s day and we are open from 8:00am to 5.45pm with breakfast and after school provision. Two year olds can also come to Maytree under the Early Learning Offer. We will also offer places to fee paying families with children aged 2 years and above.
You can find out more about the help available with funding your childcare on the new government website Childcare Choices.
Maytree is one school in a federation of five with Triangle, Holmewood, Effra and Ethelred Nursery Schools; known as the Lambeth Nursery Schools' Federation. Holmewood, Effra, Ethelred and Maytree have Children's Centres which are a wonderful resource for parents/carers and their children from pre-birth right through to primary school.